

“Although it looks like a ‘one man circus’, it’s much more than that”

Many, many moons ago, it started out as a great way to spend the weekend trying to figure out if i was able to ‘not stab myself’, doing some kind of craft.

First project might not be the prettiest, but the kind watch-community, embraced my attempts, that kept me trying to push myself into making something useful. 

And so it continues.. 

Meanwhile, it’s not just ‘me’ anymore, I even have my own intern!

We cut, glue and stitch, and eventually ship all around the globe.

All items are hand-cut, stitched and hand finished in an artisanal way.

This is what we do, and we love it!

 ~ Wesley and Bob the intern

“Stay sharp #watchfam”

Please feel free to contact us at;



Kardinaal Mercierlei 52, 2600  Berchem, Belgium
